
You can read the regulation for Soul on Pole 2025 online. Print this page if you need, but please consider the environment before doing so.

Soul on Pole is an international performing arts pole and aerial arts competition where artists can reveal their soul on stage with immense artistic and creative freedom, without compulsory elements and constraints.

Show your soul on stage March 28th, 29th and 30th 2025 in Gallarate (VA), Italy.

Competition Categories

The competition is divided into three disciplines, pole dance, aerial arts and mixed pole & aerial arts (in the following “mixed P&A”). Each discipline has competition categories (theme categories). Contemporary, art and storytelling for pole dance and mixed P&A. Art and Storytelling for aerial arts.

CONTEMPORARY (pole and mixed P&A) – participants may express their feelings with a contemporary mood without the use of props, objects and scenography, bringing only their soul and passion on stage.

ART – participants are free to choose any artistic or performative form, including the use of props, objects and scenography

STORYTELLING – participants seek to tell a story of social or cultural, collective or individual, historic or contemporary importance with their performance on stage, with or without the use of props, objects or scenography

Performers are free to choose what to show and how to structure their performance, with no technical and/or choreographic limitations as to the use of pole and aerial arts equipment. It is therefore possible to create artistic performances free from regulatory limitations. If you can imagine it, you may perform it!

Technical Level

There are three technical levels: amateur, professional and elite for each theme category. Judges may change an artist’s technical level if they determine that the level chosen in the artist’s application is not appropriate. If artists have participated in competitions at a certain level, they can not apply to Soul on Pole at a comparably inferior technical level.

Age Groups

Age groups are divided into baby (under 14), junior (under 18) and senior (over 18) age groups. Mixed P&A does not distinguish age groups.

Competitive Units

Soul on Pole distinguishes between solo performances and doubles / groups (two to nine components). Male and Female perform in the same category. It is possible to perform in more than one, solo or double / group performances, but separate applications occur.

SoloIndividual person – pole or aerial arts
Double2 artists, different equipment may be used – mixed P&A
Group3 to 9 artists, different equipment may be used – mixed P&A
Competitive units
DisciplineTheme CategoryTechnical LevelAge Group



Baby (under 14)
Junior (under 18)
Senior (over 18)

Baby (under 14)
Junior (under 18)
Senior (over 18)

Baby (under 14)
Junior (under 18)
Senior (over 18)



Baby (under 14)
Junior (under 18)
Senior (over 18)

Baby (under 14)
Aerial ArtsJunior (under 18)
Senior (over 18)

Baby (under 14)
Junior (under 18)
Senior (over 18)


Baby (under 14)
Junior (under 18)
Senior (over 18)

Baby (under 14)
Aerial ArtsJunior (under 18)
Senior (over 18)

Baby (under 14)
Junior (under 18)
Senior (over 18)
Pole and Aerial Arts categories, theme category, technical level and age group.

Doubles and groups compete in mixed P&A, but you are free to create your performance according to your creativity by using all or only a part of the elements at your disposal. You may mix pole & aerial arts, but you are not obliged to do so. In Soul on Pole we value your creative freedom with as little rules as possible to allow your double or group to show their souls on stage!

DisciplineTheme CategoryTechnical LevelAge Group
Mixed P&AContemporaryAmateurUnified

Stage and Equipment

The visible area of the Soul on Pole stage is 10,30m wide and 8m deep. An additional 2,70m of proscenico (maximum extension) is present before the curtain. You may use the whole stage area for your performance.


The Soul on Pole stage features 3 competitive polished inox (no chrome) steel poles by ThePole. Spin/static configuration can be made upon individual request – please fill in your application form. The link to it is in your confirmation email. Standard configuration is as seen from the audience:

Left PoleCenter PoleRight Pole

You are free to use the stage configuration to your liking and performance needs.

Aerial Arts

Aerial equipment is provided by ThePole in standard sizes (silks and hoops). Please specify your needs in the application form that is linked in your confirmation email. It is possible to bring your own equipment, providing a certificate of suitability by the manufacturer or yourself. Please specify special needs in your application form and performance description. We will try to provide as much support as possible.

Mixed Aerial Arts

Soul on Pole poses a special emphasis on double and group performances. The stage provides 3 poles, with variable spin/static configuration and 3 attachment points for aerial equipment. It is up to your liking what to make use of and what not, but please be aware that it is not possible to remove poles from stage for your performance.

Please be aware: it is not allowed to have more than two people hanging simultaneously on aerial equipment at any stage of your performance.



Each theme category admits 20 participants for every technical level. In case of less participants in some technical categories or technical levels, the organization may decide allow more participants in others. Categories with less than 3 participants can be regrouped or added to other categories. You will always be informed and consulted before eventual changes. The overall number of athletes is limited to a maximum of 200 active performances. In case of a higher request, performances (artists) may be placed on a waitlist (reserve list). Applications are handled on a first-come-first-serve basis through the online application system.

Please don’t wait until the last moment to submit your application! The more time the organization has to prepare the event, the better the experience will be for everybody: artists, judges and audience alike.

Music duration (pole)

Amateurmin. 2’00’’ / max. 3’50’’
Professionalmin. 2’30’’ / max. 4’30’’
Elitemin. 4’00’’ / max. 4’30’’
Pole specific

Music duration (aerial arts)

Aerial ArtsSolo
Amateurmin. 2’10’’ / max. 4’00″
Professionalmin. 2’40’’ / max. 4’40’’
Elitemin. 3’10’’ / max. 4’40’’
Aerial Arts specific

Music duration (mixed P&A)

Mixed Pole & Aerial ArtsDouble / Groups
Amateurmin. 2’40’’ / max. 4’30″
Professionalmin. 3’10’’ / max. 6’30’’
Elitemin. 4’40’’ / max. 6’30’’
Mixed P&A (doubles & groups) specific


Participants can apply to more than one theme category, but to only one technical level and age group. It is the performer’s right and duty to pick the adeguate technical level in accordance with personal abilities and experience. The organization and judges panel reserves their right to move artists to a superior technical category in the case of an obviosly higher skill level with prior notification to the artist.

Music entry deadline: February 28th, 2025 at 23:59.

Music must be sent in by file transfer service (e.g. WeTransfer) or download link to online folder (e.g. Dropbox) named as follows:


In the case of files not sent in by midnight of the deadline date, the athlete will not be admitted to the competition. Application fees will not be refunded. Please double-check the integrity and correct editing (where applicable) of your music and consider an (audio) bit rate of at least 256 kpbs (mp3) for better sound quality on stage. Minimum allowed bitrate is 128kpbs. The organization can not be held reliable for faulty files and/or poor sound quality due to sloppy audio engineering and missed sound leveling.

Evaluation criteria

The judges panel will be composed by a minimum of four international judges. For every criteria of evaluation the given score ranges from 0 to 100.

Contemporary (pole or mixed)ArtStorytelling
Stage presenceStage presenceStage presence
Technical executionTechnical executionTechnical execution
Trick difficultyTrick difficultyTrick difficulty
General choreographyTheme coherenceStory

There are no compulsory elements, but the choreography must result fluid overall. It is not required to use both poles in pole or all disciplines in mixed P&A.

During the performance it is possible to branch off and it is allowed to carry objects (where admitted) and/or to bring people on stage. The usage of fire, liquids and animals are not permitted for safety and ethical reasons. Furthermore, it is not allowed to dirty the stage as the cleaning actions would disrupt the fluidity of the competition.


It is not allowed to leave the stage before the music ends. In doing so the performance will be considered finished and evaluated by the jury up to that moment. Each judge will further deduct a 20 point penalty on general choreography (contemporary), theme coherence (art) or story (storytelling). The same penalties will be applied when the music is not correctly edited, too long or too short.

In case of accidental nudity each judge applies a 20 point penalty on the image section. It is upon the jury’s discretion whether to interrupt the performance. In case of interruption, the artist may repeat the performance at the end of the category, but the result will not be admitted to the rankings.

Rankings and evaluation sheets

Rankings will be published on the official website on the days following the competition. Evaluation sheets can be requested to the organization after the competition and will be sent by email as soon as possible. Please make sure to provide a correct email address upon registration.


The 1st, 2nd and 3rd ranked artist in each category is awarded. 1st absolute winners of each discipline will receive a cash price of € 300,00. Judges may decide to divide awards and cash prices in the case of a draw.

Entry arragements

Applications must be made exclusively online through the official website which will link you to

Please don’t foget to fill in the “complete your application form”. You will receive the link to the form in your confirmation email.

Application Fees

1st deadline – Dec 15th 20242nd deadline – Jan 20th 2025
Solo artist€ 95,00€ 110,00€ 125,00
Doubles€ 150,00€ 165,00€ 180,00
Groups (3 to 9 artists)€ 65,00 (per artist)€ 70,00 (per artist)€ 75,00 (per artist)
Coach pass€ 25,00€ 25,00€ 25,00

Coaches following 3 or more competing artists may request a free pass at

Payments can be made through bank transfer or virtual POS. In the case of a payment by bank transfer it is necessary to insert your application ID, name and surname in the description and to send proof of payment by email for faster confirmation. Please remember to write your name, surname, category and application ID in the email as well for easier reference ad faster elaboration of your request.

Bank transfer data

Be Art Studio SSD aRL
Via Resegone 26

20025 Legnano (MI)

Intesa San Paolo SpA
IBAN: IT28L0306909606100000157284 – BIC/SWIFT: BCITITMMXXX

Medical Certification

Artists have to be in possession of a valid sports medical certificate. All technical levels require this certificate in course of validity at the day of the competition. It is not possible to join the competition without sports medical certification. All artists are required to show their certificate at check-in. You are not required nor requested to send it in or to leave a copy.


All italian competitors are obliged to have sports insurance through affiliation to an EPS (Ente di Promozione Sportiva) or sports federation recognized by CONI (Italian Olympic Commitee). On the following link you can find a list of recognized EPS: . All EU and foreign artists are required to have a private sports insurance to be showed in original at check-in.


Please make sure you check-in as early upon arrival as possible to prevent problems or delays. Check-in has to be completed the latest on the day of competition by the artist or their coach. You can check in at any moment as soon as the desk opens. The organization declines any responsibility for late check-ins due to eventual cues.

Please present the following documents upon check-in:

  • application (ticket barcode will be scanned)
  • medical certification
  • sports insurance documents (international artists)
  • indication of EPS and registration number (italian artists)

The organization stongly encourages every artist or coach to bring their music on a USB pen-drive for any playback inconvenience that may occur with their sent-in file.

Sports Endorsement and Recognition

Soul on Pole is organized by Be Art Studio SSD aRL, regularly affiliated to CSEN (Centro Sportivo Educativo Nazionale) Pole & Aerial with affiliate code 59009. THe event is endorsed by the italian sport authorities. All the italian performers will be registered to the sport bodies and the CONI national list of athletes.


Soul on Pole will be hosted at:

Teatro Condominio Vittorio Gassman
Via Teatro 5
21013 Gallarate (VA)

Google Maps:




phone: +393928863778



Be Art Studio SSD aRL

Via Resegone 26
20025 Legnano (MI)

Via Sondrio 3
20045 Lainate (MI)

phone: +393928863778

p.iva 10198400961

Contact us if you have doubts

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